21. kesäkuuta 2011

Sähäkälle viisikymppiselle

Minulta tilattiin kortti viisikymppiselle erittäin sähäkälle ja vauhdikkaalle naispuoleiselle henkilölle. Jälleen kerran annettiin myös täysin vapaat kädet kortin suhteen. Olen jostain saanut tämän leimakuvan, jonka värittelin promarkereilla. Taustalle sävytin omatekoisella mistillä lasikuitutapettia ja valkoinen ostokukka (peräisin mansetista) sai myös samansävyisen käsittelyn sekä keskustaksi valkoisen helmiäiskukan. Punasävyiset kukat leikkasin jostain kuviopaperin jämäpalasesta ja myrkynvihreä nauha sai koristeeksi haarukkarusetin. Tekstin leimasin suoraan tapettiin ja muutama kirkkaanpinkki puolihelmi kruunasi sitten kortin. Osallistun tekeleelläni myös näihin haasteisiin:

¤ A Spoon Full of Sugar #157: nauha ja rusetti
¤ Amber's Crafts and Stuff #14: lomalla
¤ Art Impressions #20: nappeja ja/tai rusetteja
¤ Charisma Cardz #24: pinkkiä ja vihreää
¤ Clear It Out: yksinkertainen kortti
¤ Crafts 4 Eternity #24: jotain R-kirjaimella alkavaa (Ribbon)
¤ Crafty Creations #123: pukuleikkiä
¤ Crafty Purple Frog: lempijuttu (definitely my fav image :)
¤ Creative Craft: itsetehty tausta
¤ Creative Inspirations: kirkkaat värit
¤ Creative Stamp Friends #27: syntymäpäiväkortti
¤ Deep Ocean #2: kukkasia
¤ Delightful Challenges: mitä vain
¤ Everybody-Art #147: mitä vain
¤ Freshly Brewed #51: laulu (What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong :)
¤ Happileigh Scrappin' #27: kirkkaat värit
¤ Hooked On Craft #1: mitä vain
¤ House of Gilli #10: nauha/rusetti
¤ I Did It Creations #60: retro
¤ Karen's Doodles: kukkasia
¤ KB Cute Monday #18: lempikoristeet
¤ Ladybug Crafts Ink #33: jotain punaista
¤ Lily Pad: nauhaa
¤ Make It Monday #42: mitä vain
¤ Moving Along With The Times #103: laulu
(What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong :)
¤ Scrappy Frogs: punainen väri
¤ Secret Crafter #139: jotain kodista löytyvää
¤ Stamp Insanity #63: yksinkertainen kortti
¤ The Artistic Stamper: yksivärinen + toinen väri
¤ The Corrosive #121: nauha/rusetti
¤ The Emerald Faerie Garden #3: terälehtiä

Kortti nro 50/2011 - MYYTY


34 kommenttia:

  1. Thanks for joining us for our "Something from around the house" challenge this week on SECRET CRAFTER SATURDAY CHALLENGE :)

    Hugs Jane x

  2. This made me laugh! I look like this first thing in the morning, LOL! Love the image & fab papers. Thanks for joining us at Secret Crafters this week.
    Andie xx

  3. fun card
    Thanks for joining us at LCI this week
    Lisa x

  4. Hee Hee, she is gorgeous, great card.
    Thanks for sharing with us at ‘Make it Monday’

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    Don’t forget. .if you leave a comment on another entrant, mention that you saw their card on ‘Make it Monday’ for a chance at second prize.. the more you comment on and mention MIM, the more chances at winning second prize.

  5. This made me smile, love the big slippers lol. Thanks for joining us at C4E and LCI this week.

  6. so cute, thanks for joining us at clear It Out

  7. Well that's how I look in the mornings!!!! Love the slippers! Cute card. Thanks for joining us at Freshly Brewed Challenges.


  8. I love your layout and colours that you have used. Thanks for joining us at hookedoncraft challenges this week and hope you join us again.

  9. Fab colours.. thanks for joining in with the Artistic Stamper challenge

  10. A totally different kind of make your own backing papers but a fab card non the less. Thanks for sharing with us all here at CCC and good luck.

  11. This is so cute! Thanks for playing with us this week at Amber's Crafts and Stuff. I hope you'll join us again very soon!


  12. this is one super card,love the colors you have used,bless you for playing at creative craft this week hugs cherylxx

  13. This really made me laugh, I have this image and your song choice is BRILLIANT!
    Thanks for sharing it with us for our sing song this week at MAWTT and good luck with the challenge
    Hugs Laurie x

  14. That's a perfect card for a birthday!! Thanks for joining us at Delightful Challenges. Nancy

  15. Gorgeous card! Thanks for joining us at C4E this week hugs x

  16. A really fun card and a great song choice for this week's MAWTT challenge - thank you so much for joining us - Sylvia x

  17. Super cute card, love the image and layout. Thanks for joining us Happileigh Scrappin' this week.

  18. gorgeous card just perfect for our challenge at the SCSC, thank you for joining us. I have candy if you are interested
    Hugs Kate xx

  19. What a fun card, great image! Thanks for joining in with our challenge at MAWTT this week, hope to see you again soon. Pami x

  20. what a funny card, goodluck at Charisma this week.

    hugs Clare x

  21. Love it!!!
    Thanks for playing along with Karen's Doodles
    Anne x

  22. such a fun card Eemeli! Fabulous card!
    hugs & blessings!

  23. This could be me. I look just like this before my first cup of coffee in the mornings. A very cute and funny card. Your chic lady is going to enjoy this card. Thanks for joining us at I Did It Creations this week.

  24. Funny, beautiful card, Eemeli:O) Love the pretty papers, and that image; love it!
    Thank you for joining Karen's Doodles, good luck!
    Hugs, Nancy;O)

  25. Funny interesting card!
    Thanks for sharing it with us at Emerald Faerie Garden and good luck!
    Hugs, Iulia

  26. Gorgeous card - thanks for going back in time with us at IDIC this week
    Debbie xx

  27. Fantastic card design.

    Thanks for joining us at Kreative Stempelfreunde


  28. Wow, I'm turning 50 this year and I hope I don't look like that. LOL Though her coffee looks quite good right now. LOL

    Thank you for playing Crafty Creations Challenge. Love to see your sens of humour. :)Peggy

  29. Great card love the background thanks for joining us at Creative Craft Challenge.
    Jenny x

  30. Lol, fabulous card, what a great image!!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Make It Monday this week.

    Michelle :-)

  31. Haha, made me laugh. I love the little smiley face on the mug :)

    Many thanks for joining in with our Bright Colours challenge over at Happileigh Scrappin' Challenges

    Mandy (DT member for Happileigh Scrappin')

  32. Like pink and green together....thanks for playing along at The Artistic Stamper colour challenge this month.
    xoxo Sioux

  33. Great Card! THanks for joining us at House of Gilli! : )

  34. Moi, ihana kortti! Tykkään just tuosta leimakuvasta!! Kiitos kun osallistuit Deep Ocean haasteeseen. Minna
