21. lokakuuta 2014

Värikäs joulukortti

Värikkään joulukortin tähtenä komeilee Motivetin orava, jonka väritin promarkereilla. Villatumput saivat yllensä lorauksen kirkasta glossya ja lumi säihkettä Rangerin holographic embossausjauheesta. Stanssaukset Spellbindersin stansseilla. Lumiukkokuviopaperi on Free Craft Downloads 'n digipaperi ja vasemman laidan yksilö silppulaatikosta (tämän tammikuisen kortin ylijäämäpalanen). Lumihiutaleet napsuttelin kuvioleikkurilla valkoisesta kartongista ja keskustoina niissä on pienet 2 mm -kokoiset akryylijalokivet. Lopuksi vielä valetikkaus kiertämään kortin reunuksia.

The star of this cheerful and bright Christmas card is a Motivet squirrel that is colored with ProMarkers. On the mittens I added clear glossy accents and shiny snow is embossed with holographic (by Ranger) embossing powder. Circle dies are from Spellbinders. Snowmen paper is a digital one from Free Craft Downloads and on the left a scrap piece from this card that I made in January. Punched snowflakes have tiny 2 mm -sized rhinestones in their centers. Fake-stitching for finishing touch.

Promarkerit / ProMarkers: Berry Red - Caramel - Coral - Forest Green - Lemon - Lime Green - Mustard - Pastel Blue - Raw Sienna - Sandstone

Kortti nro 101/2014 - MYYTY


¤ Allsorts #281: embossaus (heat embossing on snow)
¤ Craftyhazelnut's Christmas #199: uutta/unohdettua (forgotten: snowlake punch)
¤ I ♥ ProMarkers #241: lumihiutaleita
¤ Korttisirkus haastaa #16: tähtiä/lumihiutaleita
¤ Sweet Stampin Christmas: lumihiutaleita
¤ Winter Wonderland: trooppinen joulu (tropical colors)


16 kommenttia:

  1. A fun image and lovely bright and cheerful colours Eemeli.

    Thanks for for sharing your lovely work with us at Allsorts challenge.

    In case you didn’t know, we have some great candy to be won at our sister challenge here

    B x

  2. Onpas iloinen joulukortti. Ihana leimasinkuva.

  3. A lovely card, great image, thank you for joining us at I♥ProMarkers this week
    Ruth x

  4. Hauska ja vauhdikas kortti, kivat kimallukset.
    Kiitos osallistumasta Allsorts haasteeseen ja jos tuo on leimasin ( emme voi kaikkia tietää) - niin myös Penny Black and more haasteeseen !?

  5. Lovely creation, and it is so good to see you sharing at CCAYR. Good luck with the Challenge. Judy x DT

  6. très mignonne création Eemeli, toute sympa et fun, merci de jouer avec nous chez CSAYL, biz

  7. Thanks for joining Allsorts. Good luck.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  8. Onpas iloinen kortti:) Kiva kun osallistuit Korttisirkuksen haasteeseen #16!

  9. Fabulous card - super cute image and great fun colours.
    Thanks for playing along at Winter Wonderland this week.
    Good luck.
    Debs xx

  10. Wow, what an adorable and fun card you've made.love it.Fab image.Thanks for joining in with us over at Sparkles Christmas.Good luck.Hugs Debbie x

  11. Lovely card.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts 'Embossing' challenge this week and good luck x Susan x

  12. Thanks for entering your lovely crafting for CHNC challenge 199 - you could also enter this into my CHNC challenge extra for October - I'd love to see it there too. x

  13. A really cute card - love the colours you've used.

    Thanks for joining us at CSAYL.

    Helen x

  14. Cute! Looks like this little squirrel is having so much fun sledding! Pretty background papers too.
    Thank you for joining us at Christmas at Sweet Stampin’, good luck in the challenge and I hope you will be back again.

  15. Oh this is just the cutest card ever what a lovely image and just is perfect for our challenge over at “ Sparkles Christmas Challenge For a Child “ good luck and hope to see you again next time Dt Member Sandra H xx

  16. Great colourwork, fun paper choices and lovely snowflakes. It's delightful to see you playing along with the CASSettes this month with this pretty card. Hugs, Lesley
