20. lokakuuta 2014

DT - Crafting From The Heart #41

It is time for another Anything Goes -themed challenge at Crafting From The Heart. On my card I used a digi stamp from our sponsor Scribble & Scrap and colored the image with my ProMarker pens. 

Heart-patterned digital designer paper is from Shuckclod's Stuff. I used a Joanna Sheen heart die plate (it cuts 8 hearts in one go) to cut out heart holes in designer paper and then attached the smaller cut-outs back in their original places. I also covered the hearts with clear Glossy Accents to make them pop out better.

Flowers are punched with a retro flower punch, shaped with a Fiskars tool and in the centers I added 3 mm -sized flat-back pearls. The Finnish sentiment is saying "A heart has found another one" (not a literal translation but close enough) and for embellishments I used dark green flat-back pearls.

Kortti nro 100/2014

On aika uuden Mitä vain -teemaisen haasteen Crafting From The Heart -sivustolla. Kortissani käytin promarkereilla värittämääni digileimakuvaa, joka on peräisin sponsoriltamme Scribble & Scrap 'lta.

Sydänkuviopaperi on Shuckclod's Stuffin digipaperi. Leikkasin paperiin 'sydänreiät' Joanna Sheenin sydänstanssilla (leikkaa samalla kertaa 8 sydäntä) ja kiinnitin reikiin takaisin stanssin tekemät pienemmät sydämet alkuperäisille paikoilleen. Lisäksi laitoin sydänten päälle vielä kirkasta Glossy Accentsia, jotta sain niihin hieman lisämielenkiintoa.

Kukkaset on napsuteltu retrokukkaleikkurilla, muotoiltu Fiskarsin työkalulla ja keskustoina niissä on pienet 3 mm -kokoiset puolihelmet. Teksti on Paperinauhan tuotantoa, ja koristeiksi kortti sai vielä tummanvihreitä puolihelmiä.


¤ Addicted to Stamps #117: väriä
¤ Aloha Friday #34: stanssit/kuvioleikkurit
¤ Crafty Calendar: bingo (pearls - sentiment - die-cuts)
¤ Crafty Little Fairies: 1 kuviopaperi
¤ DRS Designs #144: inspiraatiokuva
¤ Fan-Tastic Tuesday #57: jotain keltaista
¤ Mema's Crafts: tic-tac-toe (punch - pearls - digi stamp)
¤ Scribble and Scrap #29: mitä vain
¤ The ABC Challenge: kirkkaat värit
¤ Treasured Times #27: mitä vain


10 kommenttia:

  1. Beautifully colored fun image! I like the trail of yellow flowers :) thank you for sharing with ATSM

  2. I second Deepti - a wonderfully coloured image, and paired it with flowers adds to the impact! Thank you for sharing at ATSM!

  3. This really did bring a smile to my face and I love the translation of the sentiment! Great colours as well.

    Thank you so much for entering the Crafty Calendar (Bingo) Challenge this month, lots of luck to you.

    Hugs Sue Pxxx DT

  4. That is one funny image, great card. Thanks for joining us DRS designs.

  5. Awww so cute! Thank you so much for playing along at Treasured Times Rubber Stamps have a Wonderful DAY!

  6. Fun image. Thanks for joining us at Mema's Crafts. PennyRae DT

  7. Such a fun image!! I love the border of flowers and how you've used the colors! ;) HUGS

  8. This card is perfect for our challenge!

    Thanks for joining us at Kitty Bee Designs for our Dies / Punches Challenge!

    Our new challenge launched today so why not take a peak!


    Julie x

  9. Nice card. Thanks for playing along with Mema's Crafts.

  10. Love your fabulous card, Eemeli...those 2 guys are rather cute!

    Thank you for entering our challenge at Crafty Little Fairies, and good luck in the draw. We would also love you to join us again in future challenges.

    Jennifer. x
