7. helmikuuta 2020


Whiff of Joyn kirahvi löytyi valmiiksi väritettynä (leimattu kierrätetylle mainoskartongille ja väritetty öljypastellikynillä), joten päätin kaivaa silppulaatikosta sen värimaailmaan sopivia kuviopapereiden ylijäämäpalasia. Kirahvin alle leikkasin "ruohon" uudella C.C. Designsin stanssilla ja sävytin sen reunoja hieman FiberScrabsin walnut musteella. Ylälaidan tähtiboordi leikattu Marianne Designen stanssilla ja mukana siinä täplikäs nauha. Onnea-kirjaimet Sizzixin aakkosstanssilla leikattu.

Whiff of Joy giraffe was found pre-colored (originally stamped on a recycled ad-cardboard and colored with oil pastels) and I decided to dig into my box of stashed scraps to accompany the image with color matching dp pieces. "Grass" under the giraffe is cut with a new C.C. Designs die and I distressed the edges with walnut FiberScraps ink. Star border is cut with a Marianne Design die and it has a spotty ribbon with it. Letters are cut with a Sizzix alphabet die, "Onnea" is Finnish and meaning just a simple "Congrats".

Kortti nro 5/2020


¤ Catch The Bug: mitä vain
¤ Crafty Calendar: stanssit/kuvioleikkurit
¤ Cute Card Thursday #620: mitä vain
¤ Kleuren med Potloden: syntymäpäivä
¤ Lil Patch of Crafty Friends #125: mitä vain
¤ Penny Black and More: eläimiä
¤ QKR Stampede: mitä vain
¤ Southern Girls: mitä vain
¤ The Artistic Stamper: sanoja

~ Eemeli ~

10 kommenttia:

  1. This is so cute thanks for sharing with us at Crafty Calendar challenge hugs Sue x

  2. Onpa hän suloinen! Ja kortti kokonaisuudessaan herkkä ja kaunis. Saa hymyilemään.

  3. Such a fun giraffe! He's beating to his own drum! LOL. love it! Thanks for joining us and good luck with with your entry!
    Hugs, Joy
    Joyfully Stamps
    Lil Patch of Crafty Friends, Owner/Coordinator

  4. What a cute Giraffe, great card! Thanks for joining Catch the Bug's anything goes challenge, good luck! Dawn Bugaboo DT

  5. A lovely cute giraffe on your pretty card. Thanks for joining our challenge at Cute card Thursday. Marlies

  6. Lovely colourful card. Thanks for sharing with us at Penny Black & More.
    Lynn x

  7. Cute giraffe!
    Thank you for joining Catch the Bug's Anything Goes
    Hugs from Africa!

  8. Super cute card! Loving the mix of patterns!
    Thank you so much for joining us at Penny Black and More challenge!
    Ellibelle's Corner

  9. what a cute card ! Thank you so much for sharing your work with us at The Artistic Stamper
    WIshing you good luck to win beautiful stamps !

  10. Just saw this cutie linked up at my Crafty Wednesday challenge as well! Thanks so much for joining in there too! Hope you check out the new theme starting tomorrow, March 4th! I'm sorry I'm so behind with commenting!
    Ellibelle's Corner
