28. huhtikuuta 2017

Outlaws Progressive 4/2017

Hui, miten pitkä aika onkaan vierähtänyt edellisestä postauksestani! Väliin on toki mahtunut parikin kappaletta kymmenen päivän hiihto- ja pääsiäislomareissua pohjoiseen sekä kiireitä niin työrintamalla kuin vapaa-ajallakin. Nyt sitten ollaankin askarreltupaskarreltu oikein urakalla ja kortteja on syntynyt useampikin kappale.

Ensimmäisenä esittelyssä on Outlawsin progressiivisen haasteen huhtikuun tekele, jossa koreilee Createful Heartin kaunis digileima nimeltään Hummingbird n Morning Glory Flowers. Kuvan väritin ProMarkereilla ja Spectrum Noireilla, leikkasin ympyräksi Spellbindersin stanssilla ja reunoja sävytin hieman FiberScrapsin walnut töpötinmusteella. Alimmainen kukkakuviopaperi on Shery K Designsin digipaperi ja kaksi muuta silppulaatikosta, erilaiset tikkikuosit piirsin niihin Sakuran valkoisella gelly roll kynällä. Loppusilauksena muutama helmenvalkoinen puolihelmi.

Oh, how long it has been since my last post! I have been on holidays; 10 days of skiing up north and another 10 days off-home during Easter, and there has been also a lot of things happening in my life both professional and personal. This week I spent several evenings doing nothing but crafting and ended up finishing more than one creations.

The first card I made is for Outlaws progressive challenge where in April everyone is using a digi stamp from Createful Heart called Hummingbird n Morning Glory Flowers. I colored the image with ProMarkers and Spectrum Noirs, cut into circle with a Spellbinders die and slightly shaded the edges with FiberScraps walnut ink. The bottom flower paper is a digital one from Shery K Designs and two smaller ones are from my stashed scraps. Different fake-stitches are drawn with white Sakura gelly roll pen. For finishing touch I added pearl colored acrylic flat-back pearls.

Kortti nro 9/2017


¤ C.R.A.F.T. #413: kirja (book: Birdwing)
¤ Craft Rocket #36: kirja/elokuva (book: Birdwing)
¤ I ♥ ProMarkers #333: mitä vain
¤ {PIN}spirational #189: inspiraatiokuva
¤ Scrapy Land #64: kevätkukkasia (die: Spellbinders)
¤ Snippets Playground #278: silppuja
¤ The Crazy Challenge #247: vihreät lehdet
¤ Whoopsi Daisy: kukkasia


11 kommenttia:

  1. Super card, thanks for joining us at Craft Rocket Challenge this month. xxx

  2. Really pretty card Eemeli - what a lovely image and the pastel shades are beautiful.

    Great to see you in the Snippets Playground again!


    Di xx

  3. That's so pretty! I love the Background paper (dark Brown) and the colour combination. Very nice done!

    Thanks for playing along with our Sketch Aunts Challenge and good luck!


    *DT* Die Sketchtanten
    Kleido’s BastelStüble
    Blog-owner Do-Al(l) Kreatives (#4 – Easter)

  4. Love this pretty card. Thanks for joining us at WD xx Jan DT

  5. Eine tolle Karte. Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme bei den Sketch-Tanten.
    Liebe Grüße, Daniela

  6. Eine tolle Karte. Danke für deine Teilnahme bei den Sketch-Tanten.
    LG Dreja

  7. Such a pretty card, thanks for joining us at Craft Rocket, xxx

  8. Beautiful card! I love the morning glories and the hummingbird! Thanks for sharing with us at Scrapy Land Challenges!

  9. Lovely card and colouring. Hope your holiday was great, Thanks for joining us at I Love Promarkers and good luck, Liz (:(|)x

  10. What a wonderful card.
    Thank you for joining us at the Sketch Tanten challenge and i hope to see you again.

  11. Such a sweet card! Thanks so much for participating in our {PIN}SPIRATIONAL challenge. Hope you participate in our next challenge!! Have a happy crafty day!!!
    Deanne at A Little Bit O’ Paper
