12. tammikuuta 2015

DT - Crafting From The Heart #42

We are back! Okay, we started already last week with team A, but now it is time for the first challenge for team B, which I am in, at Crafting From The Heart. Every challenge is anything goes so there are no excuses not to participate...

I made a cas Valentine's Day card with a digi stamp called Baxleys Sunflower which is from our this week's sponsor Oak Pond Creations. Well, actually I only used a part of the original image (cropped it with MS Word before printing) and colored it with ProMarkers before fussy-cutting and attaching to the card base. The Finnish sentiment is saying just simple "Happy Valentine's Day". Dots and stitches are drawn by hand.

Kortti nro 5/2015 - MYYTY

Parin kuukauden tauko on ohi ja on aika uuden Crafting From The Heart -haasteen. Viime viikolla starttailtiin jo A-tiimin tekeleillä ja nyt on sitten vuorossa B-tiimin, johon itsekin kuulun, ensimmäinen haaste. Kaikki haasteemmehan ovat mitä vain -teemaisia, joten ei ole syytä olla osallistumatta...

Tein simppelin ystävänpäiväkortin, jossa käytin tämän viikon sponsorimme Oak Pond Creationsin digileimaa nimeltä Baxleys Sunflower. Itse asiassa käytin alkuperäisestä kuvasta vain osan (rajasin MS Wordissa ennen tulostamista) ja väritin kukkasen promarkereilla ennen ääriviivoja pitkin leikkaamista ja korttipohjaan kiinnittämistä. Teksti on FinnStamperin ja muut osaset piirretty käsin.


¤ 613 Avenue Create #106: tekniikoita (doodling - markers)
¤ Askartelutaivas / Yksinkertainen on kaunista #5: ystävyys
¤ Crafty Calendar: jotain uutta (new: digi stamp)
¤ Fan-Tastic Tuesday #67: oranssia
¤ Inspired by Stamping #89: värilastu (colors)
¤ Ladybug Crafts: kukkasia
¤ Monday Mood Board #6: inspiraatiokuva (yellow and orange color inspiration)
¤ Quirky Crafts #1: yksinkertaista
¤ Top Tip Tuesday: yksinkertaista (tip: to use only part of a digi stamp/image by cropping it before printing)
¤ Without Words: kevät


10 kommenttia:

  1. What a beautiful card! LOVE that bold bloom and the CAS feel! Fabulous creation! Thanks for joining us at Inspired By Stamping! Hope to see you again soon! HUGS! :) Mynn xx

  2. Lovely CAS design! That sunflower is awesome! Thanks for dropping this off by our house here at 613 Avenue Create!
    Chana, Owner

  3. Hi, A beautiful card Love the image and the lovely colours. Thank you so much.

    Hugs Erin xx

  4. A delightful and cheerful design and the doodling is fab :-)
    Thanks for sharing with us at Top Tip Tuesday!
    Kat x

  5. This card makes me smile, the sunflower and doodles are so much fun. Thanks for playing along at Top Tip Tuesday!

  6. Great sunflower, thanks for joining us at Without Words

  7. Love it...thanks for sharing with us at Quirky Crafts Challenges!!

  8. Lovely bright sunflower and love the doodled edge. Thanks for sharing with us at 613 Avenue Create Challenge this week

  9. Just love the border on this, so pretty. Glad you could play along with my Monday Mood Board!
